Welcome to A Basketful of Joy – About Me

Welcome picture A Basketful of Joy

About me:

Hey there! My name is Adelaide, aka Heidi to the little ones. I am a 30-year-old Christian homeschool high school and college graduate, now a homeschool teacher and creator.

As a sister and a nanny, I have many passions. Watching children learn and seeing life through their eyes, is truly amazing to me. I love watching their little minds open up and seeing the excitement on their faces when they learn something new.

Growing up homeschooled has given me a unique point of view. I remember quite well all my homeschool days when I was younger and I am grateful that is a major part of my story. Being in the middle of six siblings has given me a beautiful balance of what it is like being taught and learning to teach. So much of my time as a young teen, I poured into my younger siblings, teaching them every day in a variety of ways. From basic skills to learning to read, I was very much involved. And I loved it all.

So much of my life was spent outdoors as well. As we grew up in the woods my siblings and I had many chances to explore. We rode bikes, hiked, fished, and more. We learned many things alongside our Mama, including cooking, learning to grocery shop, taking care of little ones, and many many creative projects.

I love to share with others all the things that we got to do growing up and as well as the new things that are available now. It is exciting to learn about all the new opportunities and ideas that have come to light in the homeschool world over the last ten or more years! I am learning new things every day as well.

Currently, I am privileged to teach little ones at home in a comfortable and safe environment. As a career nanny and homeschool teacher, I enjoy finding the balance of academics and hands-on learning. It is so important to me that children see God’s wonder in nature and every-day learning. My dream is to bring back the simplicity of the one-room-schoolhouse and the simple joys of learning.

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My purpose for this blog:

A Basketful of Joy was created to inspire and encourage you as I share some of my knowledge and experiences. I’m here to bless you as you continue to pedal along this path of life, balancing the many joys along the way. Here you will find inspiration, tips, ideas, and stories, as well as so much wonderful homeschool content for all students and levels. This includes curriculum recommendations, homeschool suggestions, children’s book reviews, and other amazing resources.

In addition to these, you will find many at-home college ideas as well as plenty of extra-curricular studies that I enjoyed when I was a student and now as a teacher.

Ultimately, I am passionate about encouraging moms, sisters, daughters, students, and other homeschool teachers in their unique journey. Every single one of us has a different story and I want to offer to you new ideas, fresh inspiration, and wonderful resources.

If you are a mom just starting out on your own homeschooling journey, I want to come alongside and offer hope and encouragement. There are so many new things available now making it easier for you to create your own homeschool plan that is unique to you and your family. You’ve got this!

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More things to enjoy:

I will also be sharing some of the small blessings of everyday life. From inspirational quotes, gratitude list, stories that encouraged me, books I am reading, and adventures I have gone on – these things are the little miracles that bless me throughout my days and I think they will touch you as well.

Overall, I hope you will enjoy the blessings that overflow from my basket.
Find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest as I share more present-day content there.
Feel free to contact me if you need any encouragement or need some fresh ideas!

Thank you so much and welcome!