Ten Books that 10-Year-Old Boys Will Love

books for boys

I am just as excited for this post as I am my previous post of books for ten-year-old girls! Growing up with four brothers, I got to see what they were all interested in. Finding books that they loved was always a fun adventure. One brother always had a book in his hands, especially on town days. He read and reread series all the time! My little brothers loved reading as well and have enjoyed finding new books for their collections.

This is a list of just ten stand-alone books that my siblings and I grew up reading. My brothers loved these books when they were ten-years-old and I am sure your boys will as well. These stories are full of adventure, loyalty, honesty, and courage. Boys will love all of these adventures and probably will be asking you for more!

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and help me to keep blessing you as I continue to share many of our favorite homeschool recommendations at no cost to you.

Squanto: Friend of Pilgrims
Squanto: Friend of Pilgrims by Clyde Robert Bulla
This is a story of Squanto, the Native American who helped the Pilgrims and taught them so many things about the new land they were settling on. Though a fictional retelling of those early days of the settlers and how Squanto came to be their friend, this story is very entertaining and captivating.
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
On our bookshelf for as long as I can remember, The Mouse and the Motorcycle is a wonderful story of a special mouse’s adventures. How many of us as children thought of the miniature world and wondered what fun these little creatures could have? This story is a wonderful read and full of imagination!
Lassie Come Home
Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight
A rich classic novel, Lassie Come-Home tells the story of Lassie- a special collie who has an inexplainable bond to her boy. So strong is her love, that she runs away from her new home three times to come and find him. Written from Lassie’s perspective, readers can see how this dog knows the power of love, courage, and loyalty. Lassie Come-Home is the original story of this special dog and has sparked many more books, book series, movies, and tv shows.
Summer of the Monkeys
Summer of the Monkeysby Wilson Rawls
Summer of the Monkeys is a exciting story of a boy and how he came across a bunch of monkeys! Learning that they had escaped from a circus, the boy is determined to catch these monkeys and return them so he can collect the reward money. This story is exciting and full of the unexpected which will keep boys wanting to read more. There is even a movie of the same title based off this book that is entertaining for the whole family!
Mountain Born
Mountain Bornby Elizabeth Yates
Mountain Born tells the story of Peter and his life on a mountain farm. He learns many things from his wise shepherd friend, from caring for his sheep to the simple joys of life. Full of rich story-telling and wise sayings, this book will touch a special place in every boy’s heart.
A Place for Peter
A Place for Peterby Elizabeth Yates
A Place for Peter is the sequel to Mountain Born and continues the story of the young shepherd boy growing up on a mountain farm. Peter, with the help of his shepherd friend, learns many lessons about the value of hard work, responsibility, and courage. Boys of all ages will love to read how Peter overcomes many trials as he works hard to earn his father’s trust. This is a wholesome story about a young boy as he grows into a young man.
Ben and Me
Ben and Me by Robert Lawson
An exciting account of one of our nations most well-known inventors – but with a twist! What if he got all of his ideas from a mouse! This book will keep boys interested in historical facts as well as entertained with the funny way it is written – all from the mouse’s perspective!
Mr. Revere and I
Mr. Revere and I by Robert Lawson
In the same funny way as Ben and Me was written, Mr. Revere and I also tells the story of another well-known historical character – but this time from his horse’s perspective! This story is just as entertaining and full of wit and wisdom sure to keep your readers engaged.
Thunder From the Sea
Thunder From the Sea by Joan Hiatt Harlow
A story about a boy who longed for a family of his own and the dog he rescued. Many children will feel for Tom and will come to love Thunder – a handsome Newfoundland dog. This story is real, emotional, and full of heart. Discover how Tom had to show courage in a very dangerous situation, but pulled through for the sake of those he had come to love.
Lad: A Dog
Lad: A Dogby Albert Payson Terhune
A book full of short stories about another loyal collie named Lad – Lad: A Dog is a must-read for any dog-lover and a true classic. These stories will make you believe that some dogs really do have souls. Their love and loyalty go far beyond the understanding of many humans. What a treasure-trove of interesting stories that will make many laugh or cry!

There are so many great books for boys that teach God’s truths in an exciting, adventurous way. This is just a sample of our favorites. All of these, I read as well and have enjoyed each one! Boys and girls alike will love to select a few off my list to read and then they will be captivated in the adventure!

Feel free to share below what books you and your boys have enjoyed to read aloud or what they have loved to read on their own. My hope is that this list inspired you with some more fun book ideas!

As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom,
and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Daniel 1:17

books for boys