5 Creative Ways To Cultivate Gratitude In Your Home


I have found that choosing to live with gratitude brings me joy. Taking a moment to stop and see all that I have been blessed with can change my perspective on life. Teaching children to be grateful for even the simplest things in life is a positive way to shift their focus from what they don’t have or what they want, to seeing how they are already blessed.

5 Creative Ways To Cultivate Gratitude In Your Home2024-05-12T22:26:26-05:00

Ten Books that 10-Year-Old Boys Will Love


Growing up with four brothers, I got to see what they were all interested in. Finding books that they loved was always a fun adventure. One brother always had a book in his hands, especially on town days. He read and reread series all the time! My little brothers loved reading as well and have enjoyed finding new books for their collections.

Ten Books that 10-Year-Old Boys Will Love2024-05-13T22:32:27-05:00

Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart……


Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart... As far back as I can remember I knew I had a special place in my heart for children- even as a child myself. I was the one

Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart……2024-03-30T12:39:35-05:00

A word of homeschool encouragement….


A word of homeschool encouragement.... Since I was very little, I have loved learning and teaching. I am so full of gratitude and also amazed at how blessed I am to have been

A word of homeschool encouragement….2024-03-30T11:56:33-05:00

My 2022 Year in Review


My 2022 Year in Review With 2022 coming to a close and 2023 beginning, I thought it would be fun to do a little recap of my year and what a wild year

My 2022 Year in Review2024-03-25T10:02:29-05:00

My Homeschool Story


I am the middle of seven children and I was blessed to be homeschooled my entire life. My Mama started homeschooling over 30 years ago before I was born. She is a major part of who I am today and I am honored to walk alongside her and learn from her.

My Homeschool Story2024-05-13T10:27:50-05:00
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