Essential Homeschool Supplies

Essential homeschool supplies

With the start of a school year there is so much excitement and anticipation. School shopping and organizing can be so much fun! To make things even simpler for you and your family I have compiled a list of the top investments for your school room that will help your year begin with more organization, productivity, and efficiency. Below this, I also have an essential supplies check list for you to use as you start your back-to-school shopping!

Homeschool Investments


One important purchase that I recommend for every homeschool mom is a black and white printer/copier/scanner – three-in-one. This is an awesome investment in your homeschooling journey as it is can be used every day and can save you so much money and time in the long run. With all the reproducible worksheets there are, this is the easiest way to get everything printed and organized without having to go to an office store every week.

Buying a new toner every 6 months to a year is way more practical than having to buy multiple books of the same curriculum for each student. You can scan things in to have digital copies for future use, print anything you bought or created, and of course copy from your physical books.

Personally, we have had a great experience with Xerox copiers. In the 25-plus years of our homeschool journey we have had about three of them. We bought them refurbished or new and have had them serviced if need be. Each one has lasted us over 10 years.

A School Computer

A school computer is important for several reasons. First, every child should learn to type well before they have full access to any computer on a daily basis. Typing is a skill they will use for the rest of their life and is important to balance with handwriting.

Teaching a child how to use the basic Office programs first is a great way to encourage computer skills. One of the best ways to incorporate this is by letting a child type up a story they previously wrote out long hand or make a chart that would be useful for them or the family. There are also plenty of typing programs to pick from.

A child should be taught how a computer is a tool to get a task done long before they are allowed access to the internet. They can feel special being trusted to use something under their parents’ supervision. The hours in front of a screen should be limited and only for the most necessary tasks.

Label Maker

A label maker is so awesome to have as it makes personalizing so much easier! Use it to label school notebooks, organize bookshelves, and even label each child’s school supplies. We have used the P-touch by Brother for many years and it is easy to find the refill cartridges for these in store or online. They even come with different color labels that can make things even more organized and fun! I can’t tell you how much these come in handy!

Electric Pencil Sharpener

For the elementary ages, sticking with regular no. 2 pencils is best. When kiddos are older and not into taking apart every pen and pencil, they can switch to mechanical pencils. Having an electric pencil sharpener is wonderful and saves on the mess of the handheld ones when you are at home. Plus, it is helpful with coloring pencils as well.

Book stands

Book stands are important for most every grade but especially when the students upgrade to bigger math or science books. Keeping their books on the stand encourages better posture, neater penmanship, and less frustration as there is more desk space to lay out their work books. We have bought a few over the years, but our favorite are the ones we have made and customized for each student. These are made with wood, hinges, and chain and can be a great project for your child to design and make with you. Contact me and I can send you the plans we made for these!

We actually still have a metal cookbook stand that we have used for many years and there are many options for these online as well as some bamboo ones. We have found how important it is to have something hold the pages back so your child doesn’t have to hold their book open. A simple string with two wooden blocks has worked well for us if your stand doesn’t have page holders.

Desk lamps

Lamps are important to have at all times even when there are windows. Having good light is essential for kids to see their work correctly. Make sure it is on the side opposite their dominant hand to have the best lighting on their work. There are so many desk lights to choose from but something simple is just fine. Be sure to stick with regular halogen bulbs as they are actually much better on the eyes than led light and fluorescent lights. Clip lamps have also come in handy as they can clip just about anywhere and provide a full circle of light. They also are great to have in reading nooks and on your child’s bunk bed!

Wall Clock

Having a clock that is easy to read and visible to all students is essential in keeping up with your homeschool schedule. Get something simple or maybe have the kids pick one out! There are some really cool ones out there. I will always remember our bird clock and can hear the specific bird calls for certain hours of the day!

World Map

Keeping a world map on display can be encouraging for your kiddos and open many opportunities for conversation. Showing them where they have gone on vacations and where family members live is a whole other way of keeping them interested in learning geography.

Date Stamps

A self-inking date stamp is a cool tool that can make your work seemingly go by faster as you set up your child’s assignments for the week. We have used these for years and it is a great way to get your youngsters involved and learning the dates. Just remember to change it every day!

General Schoolroom Supplies

Now here is a list of supplies that should always be kept stocked in your school closet or shelves. Most of these you probably already have on hand, and are already shared between your kiddos.  Just keep a list attached nearby where you and your students can add to it when supplies are getting low.

homeschool supplies list

Refer to the check list below for the most important school supplies that each student grades 3-12 needs to start their best homeschool year.

Back to School checklist

These are just some of the essential items that I have found are important for all students and moms. Remember, don’t be too overwhelmed if you don’t have everything listed above. Every homeschool journey is different and each child will learn what works best for them. You’ve got this!

Feel free to comment any other ideas you may have and any suggestions that might be helpful to other homeschooling moms!

Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.
Proverbs 3:5 TPT