Spring at A Basketful of Joy


Welcome back to my overflowing basket! I have been hard at work this spring using any extra time I had available to get this up and running more efficiently to bless all my readers.

Spring at A Basketful of Joy2024-05-14T20:47:08-05:00

Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart……


Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart... As far back as I can remember I knew I had a special place in my heart for children- even as a child myself. I was the one

Thoughts from a Nanny’s Heart……2024-03-30T12:39:35-05:00

My 2022 Year in Review


My 2022 Year in Review With 2022 coming to a close and 2023 beginning, I thought it would be fun to do a little recap of my year and what a wild year

My 2022 Year in Review2024-03-25T10:02:29-05:00

My Homeschool Day – Way Back When


I thought it might be fun to share here what a normal school day at home looked like when I was growing up. Things changed over the years as we were able to do even more on our own as that was the structure of our curriculum. We also had younger siblings that we enjoyed caring for and teaching so our schedule shifted a bit.

My Homeschool Day – Way Back When2024-05-14T21:06:22-05:00

My Homeschool Story


I am the middle of seven children and I was blessed to be homeschooled my entire life. My Mama started homeschooling over 30 years ago before I was born. She is a major part of who I am today and I am honored to walk alongside her and learn from her.

My Homeschool Story2024-05-13T10:27:50-05:00

Welcome to A Basketful of Joy!


A Basketful of Joy was created to inspire and encourage you as I share some of my knowledge and experiences. I'm here to bless you as you continue to pedal along this path of life, balancing the many joys along the way. Here you will find inspiration, tips, ideas, and stories, as so much wonderful homeschool content

Welcome to A Basketful of Joy!2024-05-13T10:28:03-05:00
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