Essential Supplies for Homeschool Moms
For any mom or homeschool teacher, starting to homeschool or beginning another year of homeschooling can seem overwhelming. There are so many things to consider as you think of what curriculum, projects, and supplies are needed to get organized. This can be a lot when you are first starting out, so I have made a few posts to help you on your journey. Below is a detailed list of the most important things I believe each homeschool mom should have for themselves specifically. Refer to my next post for a list of general school supplies as well as a detailed school supply list for students of all levels of learning.
Teacher’s Desk and Chair
First of all, it is super important to have your own space. Having a teacher desk set up with your own supplies where you can work on your projects, whatever they are, makes things so much easier for you. A decent sized table or desk with a comfortable chair and plenty of room to spread out. Make sure you also have a good lamp as this is helpful on those rainy indoor days.
Laptop Computer & Accessories
Laminating Machine
This is definitely on the list for moms and teachers because it is one tool that can be used quite frequently. A laminator machine is great for all sorts of crafts and school projects, making this a great investment. From laminating school charts to making reusable flash cards or worksheets, this definitely saves so much money. Our hand-crank one that doubles as a sticker maker has lasted us many years, but now they have many electrical ones to choose from.
Grade Record Books for Each Student
What a life-saver these are in our homeschool journey. Most teachers use one record book for their one classroom with multiple students. But as homeschoolers, we have found that it is so much easier to have each student have their own book. It can last them all the way through high school and college books if need be! There are many options online for these and getting a different design for each child makes organization a breeze.
We use each page for a grade or a subject and then record the assignment, date, and grade points. This makes it so simple to find the student’s GPA for every book and grade. Then all we have to do at the end of the school year is record this in each student’s report card. These are so helpful in keeping track of what books or assignments each student has accomplished.
Homeschool Planner
Many moms benefit from a homeschool planner. There are so many great options out there for moms. You can easily find one that suits your needs with the multiple different designs to choose from as well as printable options that are just as amazing.
Some planners have grade record charts, lesson plan pages, calendars, and a space for yearly goals. With attendance trackers, reading logs, curriculum resource pages, and student schedules, a homeschool planner is indeed a great investment.
Family Calendar
Another thing to keep your events, to-do lists, and kiddos’ assignments organized is a family calendar. There are also a whole bunch of options from dry erase and magnetic like this one to glass ones, some of which can be personalized for your family. Desk ones like this one can also be put on the wall. Something about seeing the calendar up on the wall makes it easier for everyone to know what the plans are. Being able post out your family’s schedule is a blessing for the kids as well so they know the next step of the day.
Homeschool Organization System
Having a place to organize books, paper, supplies, and assignments is super helpful and goes a long way to making you feel more ready for teaching. Knowing where things are and showing the youngsters how to keep things neat is the best way to start the year. Having a dedicated school room is the absolute best but some of us do not have the space, so making a corner just for your supplies is crucial.
There are many different options when it comes to organizing your school area. These rolling carts are great when you need to move supplies to a table or desk. Bookshelves are awesome in your school area so all your books can be displayed and neat. A couple file organizers or magazine holders like these are also helpful for keeping each child assignments safe and ready to be graded and filed.
Pens, Pencils, & more…
A teacher should have her own supplies much like a chef has his own knives. Having a great desktop supply organizer or even a organized drawer system are some ways to keep things where you will always find them.
So many supplies are easy to come by during the back to school sales every year around August. Most of these are probably already on your desk or in your schoolroom, but here is a list of important supplies that every teacher should have on hand: black, red, and blue Bic pens; sharpie markers; highlighters; mechanical pencils; index cards; post it notes; paper; notebooks; erasers sticks and bricks; scissors; paper clips; tape dispenser; glue sticks; white out tape; a ruler; a heavy duty stapler; a paper cutter; a one-hole punch; and a three-hole punch.
Surprise Box for children
This has been a wonderful and fun thing in our homeschool and I love surprising the little ones now. It is a great way to encourage goals to be reached and books to be finished. Fill a special box full of little non-food items that you have collected. These can be dollar store toys, small school supplies, tiny collectibles, even old keys, and anything else you think your kiddos would love.
When your child has reached a specific goal, done an extra assignment, or even helped out with teaching the younger ones– let them pick out one thing in the special surprise box. The joy and excitement they have on their faces is worth it and they will actually beg to do more just for a chance to look in the surprise box.
Snacks, Water, and Treats
Yes – for all you busy moms. This is for YOU! Remember to stop and take a drink and get a healthy snack. I know how a lot of us can get really busy with work, school, life that we forget to take a break. We easily can care for the kiddos, but stopping to get food for ourselves is sometimes harder to remember. So take care of yourself so you are stronger for the little ones!
I hope this helped you be inspired and not as overwhelmed as you start planning your homeschool year. Setting up your homeschool space is so fun and exciting. Getting the kids involved is also great as they will be in this space almost every day and need to know where everything is kept.
This is just a basic list of suggested supplies and ideas that I believe will make homeschooling easier for you specifically, so you can be more present with the little ones. If you have anything else you would add, feel free to comment down below!
Many blessings to you on your journey!
I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life.
I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide.
Psalm 32:8a TPT